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发布时间:2020-07-13 16:48:50 已帮助:305人


  类提示词是一些名词或量词比如:factors,reasons,conditions,ingredients,different kinds,categories,elements,a number of,sorts等.
  第二类提示词是一些并列词比如:not only,but also,also,and,the first one,then,finally,another,other,plus,part,for one thing,for another,or,else等。
  第三类提示词:因果类,包括so,thus,therefore,for the sake of,because of等等。转折类,包括but,however,nonetheless,unlike等;强调类:now,very,extremely,especially,particularly等;顺序类,包括for one thing,but also,plus等;并列类,包括as well,also等。
  16.According to the professor,what interior features of the house Irwin designed were especially beneficial?[Choose two answers]
  A)Circular rooms with windows in the ceiling
  B)Floors that were easy to clean
  C)A large,spacious common area
  D)A single-fireplace system that heated the entire house
  So one important thing:that the rooms were arranged around a chimney in the center of the house,which could provide heat for the whole house through flues,uh,small air passageways into each room,as opposed to having a fireplace in every room,which would require more cleaning and make the air inside the house dirtier.
  So,what other advantages might there be to hexagonal rooms?
  Oh!The corners.…But if Irwin’s rooms were closer to a circle than a square,it would be easier to reach all the dust and dirt with a broom.Right?
  提示词:one important thing;what other advantages
  教授用So one important thing的方式引出重点:烟囱在房子的中心,房子围绕烟囱。烟囱可以为房间提供热量通过烟道。嗯,小空气通道到每个房间,而不是每个房间都有一个壁炉,这将需要更多的清洁并且使在房子里面的空气比较脏。
  教授又用So,what other advantages might there be to hexagonal rooms?这样的提问方式引出第二个重点。然后引导学生思考关于cleaning的问题。学生回答:欧文的房间是一个圆形而不是方形,扫帚更容易清除灰尘。所以本题的答案为BD选项。