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成都sia国际艺术教育特约主讲老师Mary Jane
  • 姓 名: Mary Jane
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 成都sia国际艺术教育
  • 授课类别:面授


  Mary Jane
  Mary Jane,插画专业教授;迪士尼、环球、孩之宝插画设计师罗德岛设计学院插画专业教授,任教21年,并任插画专业学生实习与部主任。其插画作品被全球超过20家出版社出版。为美赞臣、强生、迪士尼等无数知名公司和企业担任插画设计师。
  The most important thing for portfolio,first and foremost is a regionality,that a person shows a point of view,a kind of sensibility about themselves,they are not copying somebody else’s work,somebody else’s way.The second thing is do they look at the world,and interpret the world that they see around them and not making everything up,maybe some of them need imagination,and maybe some of them need to be observed.I also think it’s really important to focus on drawing as foundation no matter what you do,and I really look for that,and at admissions we all look for that as the key part of the portfolio.it’s not just realistic,it can be any kind of drawing style but based on observation,imagination,but that should come through in much of the work that you love to translate and draw.Doing different things or doing things in different materials is really helpful,it’s really important because it shows to school that you will try new things,you’re full of inspiration and ideas,that’s a key point.such as doing some photography that shows you how to compose a picture,choosing subject matter that you really care about.They want to see stories,they want to see ideas expressed in the work.They don’t want to see observation just like draw an orange or draw a bird whatever,but they want to see what more can you see about,what can you tell about that.

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