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  • 姓 名: Alena
  • 当前等级:特约主讲
  • 所属学校: 重庆沃尔得国际英语
  • 授课类别:面授

  Foreign Teacher外教老师
  Hello everyone,my name is Alena.I have been fortunate enough to grow up in a bilingual family,because my parents decided to teach my two native languages right from the start of my life.
  I have been teaching English for more than 5 years back in Czech and here in China for over 3 years.It is one of my biggest hobbies,so I try to make my classes at least little funny(I hope I have been successful)and share not only my language knowledge but also some interesting facts and experience.
  From my travels.Otherwise I enjoy sports,mostly playing tennis and badminton,swimming(hanging out by the pool and enjoy refreshing cocktails)watching movies,reading about history and nature and studying Chinese(which is much harder than Chinese people say.

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