
来源:深圳曦城协同学校 时间:04-22





At BCIS, scholarship is defined as academic achievement and learning at a high level. There are many things students need to learn in order to become responsible, caring adults, and contributing citizens.

As a result, this year BCIS has established two new scholarships.

-BCIS Academic Scholarship

-BCIS Bursary

Of course the school considers academic success an important goal for our students. However, a student who only focuses on academics and doesn’t contribute to the school culture in other ways is not as valuable as one who does. Learning to have compassion for others is also extremely important. Learning to help others is more valuable than personal achievement. We need more compassionate, caring people who are willing to give of their time to help others. Our scholarship recipients are these types of individuals.

01 奖学金申请











Application Criteria and Conditions:

The BCIS Academic Scholarship and Bursary are open to applicants from grades 5 to 8.

Students who want to apply for these scholarships must submit an essay in addition to other application materials and explain in detail their future contributions to the school.


BCIS provides up to two full tuition scholarships and two full tuition bursaries each academic year.

Application time:

Students must submit their application for the next school year before April 1.

02 2021-2022年奖学金获得者

Scholarship Winners




On Monday, April 19 2021, we held a school-wide assembly during which scholarships were awarded to 3 outstanding students, with total amount of RMB 480,000.


五年级学生-Sabrina Campos

Full-tuition scholarship-RMB160,000

G5 student-Sabrina Campos


五年级学生-Tiger 赵

Full-tuition scholarship-RMB160,000

G5 student-Tiger Zhao


7年级学生Jessica Luan

Full-tuition scholarship-RMB160,000

G7 student-Jessica Luan


The students were given their scholarship award letters during the assembly which included their parents and classmates in attendance.

奖学金标准着眼于学生的学业成绩以及支持论文和教师推荐。BCI还祝贺所有申请者抽出时间提交材料供其考虑,并鼓励所有学生申请未来的奖学金机会。The scholarship criteria looked at student academic achievement as well as supporting essay and teacher recommendation. BCIS would also like to congratulate all of the applicants for taking the time to submit their materials for consideration and to encourage all students to apply for future scholarship opportunities.


Receiving a scholarship is not the end of the journey to being an excellent citizen in society, it is the “gas station” for it. It helps drive students forward towards accomplishing their goals. We expect all students in BCIS to celebrate the award winners while working hard to become one of future scholarship winners themselves.