
来源:上海融育学校 时间:04-13



In order to be a socially responsible school and company and also realize the educational concept of Honor, Shanghai Honor School sets the Huixian scholarship for achieving the dream of “ Come to Honor, Lead the World.” for the students who come to Honor and helping them to go to the first-class universities around the world.

1. 融育·慧贤新生奖学金Huixian Scholarship for Freshmen

奖项名称 奖金额度 名额限制 备注 一等奖学金 44.4万元,即三年免学费 新招10年级学员的5%   Second-tier 14.8万元,即年免收学费 不限 Third-tier 10000 元 不限 一次性奖励 Speciality 3000 元 不限 一次性奖励


Huixian Academic Scholarship



Huixian scholarship for further study

奖学金金额100万人民币,要求:从上海融育学校高中毕业,被英美10所大学录取 ,并成功入读。

The scholarship amount is 1 million RMB. Requirements: Graduate from Shanghai Honor School, Admitted to top 10 universities in Britain and the United States, and successfully enroll.